Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Serviceable Twelve Days of Christmas

Rembrandt's Adoration of the Shepherds

I love Christmastime. I love everything about the season, especially the emphasis on the advent of Christ. And so yesterday, while folding laundry nonetheless, I had an idea hit me. What if for the twelve days leading up to Christmas you did a serviceable act each day? You’ve heard of Santa’s helpers? Here’s your chance to be even more. Be Christ’s helper. And really, your options are limitless. Here are a few:

1. Go to a friend’s house and help them with a chore; laundry, dishes, wrapping Christmas gifts, anything. Helping hands make light work.

2. Take someone who needs a boost to lunch. Stay as long as they need an ear to listen to them. Or, invite them for a special homemade meal.

3. Think of someone you care for and admire, write them a thoughtful note expressing your gratitude and drop it on their front door. You can do this anonymously too if you wish.

4. Adopt a family for Christmas and give them little gifts each day leading to Christmas or save up for the big day. If you decide to save up, make sure you do a little prep each day (the idea is to focus on others each day).

5. Call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile and chat. It’s always great to hear from an old friend.

6. Help your children (if you have children or do this yourself) sort through their toys and choose a few gently used items to donate to a charity or someone of their choice. It’s a great opportunity for them to experience the joy of sharing.

Anyhow, these are a few ideas of different things you can try each day leading up to Christmas. Trust yourself and follow any ideas that come to mind. You won’t be disappointed!

***If you’d like to try A Serviceable Twelve Days of Christmas you can begin on Monday, 13 December and finish on the 24 December. Or begin Tuesday, 14 December and finish on 25 December. Have fun and enjoy the Spirit of Christmas!***

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